Home BridesAgency.com: About Us, About Team, About Our Mission

BridesAgency.com: About Us, About Team, About Our Mission

BridesAgency.com: About Us, About Team, About Our Mission

BridesAgency.com has been an industry leader in the online marriage agency space for over 20 years. Throughout our history, we have successfully connected countless couples across the globe, helping them build strong and lasting relationships. In 2023, we underwent a rebranding and updated our platform to provide a more modern and user-friendly experience for our users.

Our Philosophy

Our philosophy is grounded in the belief that love knows no boundaries. We are committed to bridging the gap between cultures and helping people find their ideal partners, regardless of distance. At BridesAgency.com, we understand that finding the perfect match is a deeply personal and meaningful journey. That’s why we are dedicated to offering a wide range of resources and assistance, including expert advice, articles, and guidance, all aimed at facilitating your journey toward finding true love.

Communication and Support

At BridesAgency.com, we believe that open communication and ongoing support are essential to fostering successful relationships. Our platform is designed to facilitate good conversations and interactions between our users, allowing them to build strong connections and develop a deep understanding of each other’s values, interests, and goals.

In addition to our user-friendly messaging system, we also offer a range of resources and tools to help our users navigate the complexities of international dating and marriage. From language and cultural guides to expert advice on managing long-distance relationships, our extensive library of resources is available to help you overcome any obstacles you may encounter on your journey to find love.

What Sets Us Apart

What sets BridesAgency.com apart from other online marriage agencies is our unwavering commitment to authenticity, transparency, and customer satisfaction. We work tirelessly to ensure that our platform is a safe and secure space for users to explore and forge meaningful connections. Our verification process, coupled with our expert team of moderators, helps to maintain the highest standards of quality and trust on our platform.

Our team of dating experts and psychologists work closely with you, analyzing your personality, interests, and relationship history to help you find the perfect match. By taking a more personalized approach to matchmaking, we are able to provide our users with an enhanced online dating experience, increasing their chances of finding a compatible partner and creating a lasting connection.

Furthermore, our diverse and extensive database of potential partners ensures that you have the best possible chance of finding your perfect match. We understand the importance of compatibility and shared values in a relationship, and we strive to make these connections possible for all our users.

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Scamadviser.com Review

Sitejabber.com Reviews

Great agency! For me the BEST, because this agency help me to find love of my life, so happy. Thank you so much Bridesagency!

Rolandas D.
Mar 26, 2019

I found my wife on Bridesagency, we have been corresponding about 3 months, then meet in Europe. We are still lucky family here in sunny Honolulu :)! I Reccomend BridesAgency services for all singles, good luck!

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Marius T.
Aug 15, 2018

Read all reviews here.

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Meet Andy Williams: The Heart and Soul of BridesAgency.com

Andy Williams CEO of Bridesagency Company

Have you ever wondered who constantly pushes BridesAgency.com to new heights? Drumroll, please! Meet Andy Williams, our incredible CEO! With a long-standing career as a journalist and a natural talent for helping people find true love, he is the one who brought our wonderful community to life.

The Early Days

Andy’s journey started in a cozy little town that felt like one big family, where love stories were the favorite topic at every gathering. Andy would sit and listen to how the couple next door met or how his parents fell in love. Intrigued and inspired, he took this passion for stories to college, where he studied journalism.

He began writing about love and relationships, helping people navigate the bumpy road of modern dating. Articles turned into columns, and columns turned into practical advice books. But writing was just the beginning; Andy knew he had more to give. The pen and paper couldn’t capture his larger vision – helping people find true love on a global scale.

The Transition

After years of writing about love, Andy thought about how he could do even more to help people find their special someone. What we mean, of course, is that journalism was a great start, but he wanted to make a more direct impact. That’s when he transitioned from journalist to dating expert. He started by traveling to different places to learn how love works in different cultures. 

And now, imagine someone who listens to thousands of love stories and knows what makes relationships work – that’s our amazing Andy! The idea for BridesAgency.com was born from his observations and the problems he saw in the world of international dating. He wanted to create a space where love wasn’t defined by geographical boundaries.

Not Just a CEO

Andy made sure BridesAgency.com wasn’t just another dating site where you scroll, swipe, and forget. Thanks to the plenty of features he implemented, here you’re engaged to dig deeper. 

And if you ask anyone who’s interacted with Andy, they’ll tell you that he’s one of the most approachable and warm people you’ll ever meet. 

He’s not the kind of CEO who hides behind a desk. No, Andy interacts with the community, listens to user feedback, and is constantly thinking about how to make BridesAgency.com a friendlier and more effective space. 

Learning and Growing Every Day

Even though he’s already achieved a lot, Andy never stops learning. He reads a lot of books and articles about love and relationships to make sure BridesAgency.com stays the best place for finding love. Andy knows that the sphere of international dating is always changing, and he wants to make sure the website changes with it. 

So, when you’re scrolling through profiles or chatting with someone on BridesAgency.com, remember that Andy Williams is the man working behind the scenes to help you find your perfect match. With Andy leading the way, you know you’re always in good hands!

After years of writing about love, Andy thought about how he could do even more to help people find their special someone. What we mean, of course, is that journalism was a great start, but he wanted to make a more direct impact. That’s when he transitioned from journalist to dating expert. He started by traveling to different places to learn how love works in different cultures.

And now, imagine someone who listens to thousands of love stories and knows what makes relationships work – that’s our amazing Andy! The idea for BridesAgency.com was born from his observations and the problems he saw in the world of international dating. He wanted to create a space where love wasn’t defined by geographical boundaries.

As fate would have it, Andy’s path crossed with Marius Skaringa, a visionary entrepreneur from Lithuania who shared his passion for bringing people together. Marius brought a wealth of technical expertise and a deep understanding of the online dating industry to the table. Together, they forged a powerful partnership that laid the foundation for BridesAgency.com’s success.

With Marius Skaringa’s involvement, the project gained not only technical prowess but also a global perspective. His dedication and innovation played a crucial role in ensuring the website’s smooth launch on March 15, 2003. It was their combined efforts that set the stage for countless love stories to blossom across borders, making BridesAgency.com a beacon of hope for those seeking true love worldwide.

Meet Our Expert: Brian Whelan

At BridesAgency.com, we currently have one exceptional author and dating expert on our team, Brian Whelan. With over 10 years of experience as a journalist and international dating expert, Brian has an unrivaled understanding of the intricacies of cross-cultural relationships.

Brian’s Background and Expertise

Brian has traveled the world, immersing himself in different cultures and learning about the unique aspects of love and relationships in various countries. Through his experiences, he has gained a deep understanding of the challenges and rewards of international dating and has dedicated himself to helping others navigate their journeys to find love.

Brian combines his extensive knowledge with his storytelling prowess to deliver insightful and engaging content at BridesAgency.com. His articles inspire our readers to explore the diverse world of international love connections and provide valuable insights into the unique aspects of dating and relationships across cultures.

Meet Robyn Wahlgast: The Dating Coach You’ve Been Looking For


If you’re looking to improve your love life, we have just the person to help you. Meet Robyn Wahlgast, our Certified Dating and Relationship Coach. Based in Los Angeles, Robyn has years of experience and is here to help you find relationships, the kind that’ll make you feel alive and complete.

Professional and Personal Experience

You can trust Robyn; she’s qualified, but not only. Beyond her certification, she’s also happily married and a mother of three children. She’s lived through the ups and downs of a real relationship and knows what it takes to make love last. 

So, when she talks about building and maintaining a successful relationship, she’s speaking from both professional and personal experience. That’s exactly what makes her coaching both relatable and practical. 

Coaching Style

Robyn’s coaching is not about quick fixes. She dives deep into the issues holding you back from making things work. She understands that old patterns can be hard to break, so she helps you identify them and move on. 

And what’s her purpose? To help you be the best version of yourself, both for your own well-being and to find the right partner.

Respect Comes First

Robyn bases her coaching on a simple yet often overlooked principle: respect. To her, it’s the vital foundation of any love story with a happy ending. 

With her help, you will learn how to build relationships that offer not only love and passion but also mutual respect that will stand the test of time.

Don’t Miss Her Blog

In addition to coaching, Robyn also has a blog called New Direction Dating. It’s filled with useful advice on all things love-related. From the do’s and don’ts of online dating to tips for post-divorce dating, her blog is definitely a must-read.

Another amazing thing Robyn offers is a free newsletter. This newsletter is regularly sent out to subscribers and is packed with tips on how to improve your dating experiences. It’s like a friendly catch-up over coffee, but even better, so sign up!

Real Lives, Real Changes

Still not convinced? Just ask some of the women Robyn has worked with. We’ve heard stories of women overcoming dating fatigue, gaining confidence, and finally finding partners who treat them right. These stories are the real proof that Robyn’s methods work.

She is here to help you grow, not just as someone’s partner but as an individual. Robyn reminds you are deserving of love and respect, and she gives you the tools to believe it yourself.

That’s why we’re happy to have Robyn on our team, and we think you’ll be, too.

Bonus: Dating Advice for Women who Decided to go International

And for the ladies who’ve decided to expand their search for love across borders, Robyn Wahlgast is here to guide you with the warmest and most practical advice:

  • Use emojis to flirt, like a heart or a smile. It’s the world’s love language!
  • A quick video call can be worth a thousand texts. Don’t skip it.
  • State what you want upfront. Keep it real from the day one.
  • Love might be in the air, but don’t rush. Enjoy every text, call, and moment.
  • Know your budget before making travel or gift plans.
  • Stay connected with your girl squad. They’re your emotional touchstones.

With these sassy yet super-smart tips from Robyn, you’re set to own the international dating scene. Go for it!

Join Our Team

We are actively expanding our team and are currently looking for passionate and skilled individuals to join us in the following positions:

Dating Experts

  • Strong background in international dating and relationships
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to create engaging and informative content


  • Previous experience in writing for online publications
  • Familiarity with the dating and relationship niche
  • Ability to produce high-quality and well-researched articles


  • Degree in psychology or a related field
  • Experience in relationship counseling or coaching
  • Ability to provide valuable insights and guidance to our audience

Working at BridesAgency.com

At BridesAgency.com, we believe that our team is our greatest asset. Our goal is to establish a work environment that fosters support and collaboration, enabling our team members to develop and succeed. We offer good pay, flexible work options, and all chances to grow professionally.

How to Apply

If you believe you have the skills and passion to join our team, please reach out to us at [email protected] or via the contact form at https://www.bridesagency.com/contact-us/. We look forward to hearing from you and learning more about how you can contribute to our mission of helping people find love across the globe.

Our Commitment to You

As we continue to grow and evolve, our commitment to our users remains at the heart of everything we do. We understand that the journey to find love can be a challenging and emotional one, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

At BridesAgency.com, we strive to create a welcoming and inclusive community where individuals from all walks of life can come together in their pursuit of love and happiness. We are dedicated to ensuring that our platform remains a safe, supportive, and enjoyable space for everyone who joins us on this journey.

Let’s Write Your Love Story Together

Whether you’re just starting your search for love or have been on this path for some time, we are here to help. BridesAgency.com is more than just a marriage agency – we are a community of people who understand the importance of finding true love and are dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.

Join us today, and let us help you write your own love story. With our expert guidance, extensive resources, and passionate team, we are confident that you can find the love and happiness you deserve.

Together, let’s make the world a more connected, understanding, and loving place. Join BridesAgency.com and become a part of our thriving community as we work together to create lasting love connections across the globe!

Brian Whelan
Brian Whelan has over 10 years of proven experience in international dating coaching. Brian’s blend of knowledge in male-female relationships and love of journalism let him create advanced and expert content for BridesAgency.com.
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